International Gallery Surgery Centers
Ophthalmology Orthopaedics Urology

Gordon & Associates, Architects
Staff - Gordon & Associates, Architects

How Gordon and Associates clients benefit.

At Gordon and Associates, we've earned a reputation for creating value within the industry and bringing quality back into medicine. We've come up with designs and development formulas for 'putting it back together,' and adding immeasurably to the value equation. "Professionally, it's rewarding," concludes Gordon, "but nothing makes us more proud than the relationships we've built with our clients. Also, it's especially rewarding that our dedicated professional staff continues to build upon this legacy - each and every day."

"Our mission," says owner and chief architect Michael Gordon, AIA, "is to design and develop 'a well place' that provides both efficiency and comfort as a product of the design - for patients, physicians and staff. Increased efficiency and productivity lets doctors see more patients per day and improves daily attitudes and quality of life for all concerned. At Gordon Architects, we understand physicians' practices and needs. What sets us apart is that we understand the business of their profession. It's a matter of controlling costs in their own surgery centers. The commonality in the centers we've designed is that doctors see more patients per day which is more cost-effective each and every day."

Michael L. Gordon, A.I.A., NCARB, Architect
Gordon & Associates, Architect, LLC

Michael L. Gordon, A.I.A., NCARB, ArchitectIn 1977, after seven years of general practice, Mike Gordon opened his specialty health care architectural practice in Mount Dora, Florida. For the last thirty years, under the leadership of Mike Gordon, Gordon & Associates, Architects has become a recognized leader in the design and development of quality health care environments throughout the United States. Mike Gordon is the founder and president of Gordon & Associates, Architect, LLC, a national firm offering specialty health care services in architecture, interior design, space planning, engineering and consulting. The firm has designed and developed more than 300 ambulatory surgery centers and 350 medical clinics throughout the United States, and has consulted on several multi-specialty health care centers in Australia, Spain, Turkey, Guatemala, Syria, Malaysia and other European and Asian countries during its 38 years in practice.

Mr. Gordon attended the University of Florida, College of Architecture, where he obtained a Bachelor of Architecture in 1970. Since then he has continued professional development in a leadership role in health care environmental design throughout the Unites States..

Professional Credits
  • Certified by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards.
  • Certified General Contractor, State of Florida
Professional Affiliations
  • Member - American Institute of Architects (AIA)
  • Member - Academy of Architecture on Healthcare
  • Past Member - American College of Eye Surgeons
  • Past Member - American Surgical Hospital Association
  • Past Member - Ophthalmic Outpatient Surgery Society
  • Past Member - Federated Ambulatory Surgery Association
  • Past Member - Florida Ambulatory Surgery Society
  • Author of "The Outpatient Surgery Center, Concept of Reality", a chapter in Guide to Effective-Outpatient Ophthalmic Surgical Center, by Stephen P. Ginsberg, M.D.
  • Contributing Author of "Ambulatory Surgery Centers: Why They Make Sense - and Dollars for Surgeons", an article in Medical Economics, The Business Magazine of the Medical Profession, by Jane See White, April, 1999.
  • Contributing Author of "Office-Based Surgery Centers: To Build or to Renovate", an article in Inside Ambulatory Care, by Linda Chitwood, CRNA, MS, July, 1999
  • Contributing Author of "Build or Renovate: How to Decide?", an article in Same-Day Surgery, January, 2000.
  • Author of "How Clinic Environments Enhance Efficiency", Chapter 11 in, The Efficient Ophthalmologist by John Pinto, 2004.
Major Speaking Engagements
  • Ophthalmic Outpatient Surgery Society
  • 1981 Sarasota, Florida
  • 1982 Orlando, Florida
  • 1983 Orlando, Florida
  • 1989 Nashville, Tennessee
  • Freestanding Ambulatory Surgery Society - 1987 Phoenix, Arizona
  • First European Congress on Ambulatory Surgery - 1991 Brussels, Belgium
  • American Urological Association - 1993 San Antonio, Texas
  • American Academy of Ambulatory Surgery Centers - 1998 San Diego, California
  • American Academy of Ambulatory Surgery Centers - 2000 Newport Beach, California

Gordon and Associates, Architects

730 East Fifth Avenue Mount Dora, Florida 32757 American Institute of Architects Telephone: 352-383-6505 Facsimilie: 352-589-0685

Members of the American Institute of Architects
Gordon and Associates, Architects, is a leader in healthcare design, providing quality medical service environments, primarily ambulatory surgery centers. Committed to the private medical community, G&A delivers unmatched expertise in Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, and Urology. Web site hosted and maintained byhyperSystems, Inc.